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Limpiador de lengua también conocido como raspador de lengua | Cobre y acero inoxidable


VENDEDOR: AllOne Wellness

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Sólo tienes una oportunidad de tener una primera impresión. Es un cliché porque es verdad. Y en las interacciones más importantes con las personas más importantes que pueden ayudarte a decidir tu futuro, tu respiración es uno de los factores más importantes sobre la impresión que causarás.

Muchas personas han sido traicionadas por el simple hecho de cepillarse los dientes y usar hilo dental porque han descuidado el impacto que puede aportar una lengua limpia. No te arriesgues.

Un limpiador de lengua, también conocido como raspador de lengua de AllOne Wellness, se asegurará de que tenga un aliento limpio y con olor fresco al eliminar bacterias, hongos, toxinas y células muertas de la lengua y la boca.

Da una buena impresión con el limpiador de lengua antimicrobiano AllOne Wellness. El producto viene tanto en cobre como en acero inoxidable.

  • Higiene bucal impecable, refresca el aliento y acaba con la halitosis
  • Elimina bacterias, hongos, células muertas y toxinas (AMA)
  • Mejora los sabores de los alimentos y reduce la placa y las caries.
  • Aumenta el óxido nítrico (NO) en el organismo y retarda el envejecimiento.
  • Garantía de un año | El cobre es antimicrobiano | Recomendado por dentistas | Científicamente probado | Ayurveda recomienda | Satisfacción garantizada | Limpiar en segundos
  • El 10% de las ganancias se donará a Warka Water para capacitar a las comunidades con escasez de agua para que produzcan agua limpia.
  • Este limpiador de lengua tiene mangos para mayor agarre y un diseño de superficie de limpieza más amplia para raspar toda la lengua.
  • Los limpiadores de lengua son 5 veces más eficaces para limpiar la lengua que un cepillo de dientes.

    Lea a continuación para obtener más información sobre por qué y cómo limpiarse la lengua. :)


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    Copper Tongue Cleaner

    Stainless Steel Tongue Cleaner

    Here Are 5 of My Favorite Reasons to Clean Your Tongue Everyday:

    1. Fresher Breath

    There are many benefits to cleaning your tongue daily. The first one you might notice is your breath is much fresher than before. Ridding your tongue of bacteria, volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) and the waste from your digestive tract helps put a stop to 85% of bad-breath-causing Halitosis (11) (12). Using a toothbrush alone to clean your tongue does not remove this harmful bacteria. Rather than scraping and removing bacteria, toothbrushes merely move it around your mouth (13).

    Scraping your tongue can even save you money on gum and breath mints! Rather than masking bad breath, you are removing it at the source by scraping your tongue.

    2. Better Taste Bud Function

    If the first reason isn't enough for you to start cleaning your tongue then consider this: Your food will taste better with a clean tongue! Simply, if you don't have dead cells and bacteria blocking your taste receptors than it's clear sailing to flavour town (14) (15). You need your taste for digestion as well. The instant food hits your tongue your body starts producing the digestive enzymes it needs to digest your food. If your tongue is clean then you will produce more of the right digestive enzymes for your food to digest correctly. Ayurveda teaches us that blocked taste buds interfere with our body’s ability to communicate with our brain. This disconnect to the food we eat can lead to false food cravings. If your food is not tasting as good as it used to, give a tongue cleaner a try!

    3. Natural, Healthy-looking Tongue

    Tired of your tongue looking white, black, brown, or even green? Well scraping your tongue is the only natural way to restore it to its natural reddish-pink color. Scrape your tongue once - or better yet twice a day to remove the gunk on your tongue and restore it to its natural color (15) (16). This could be oral thrush a yeast Infection in your mouth and you don't want that (17). I had quite the white coating on my tongue and I can tell you I do not miss seeing it every day. So If you can't remember what your reddish pinkish tongue looked like, this is the perfect tool to refresh your memory.

    4. Dental Health

    Yes ridding your tongue of VSC, dead cell, bacteria, fungus, toxins, and AMA can help your dental health. Doing this every day will help reduces gum disease, plaque build-up, cavities, gum infections, gum recession, and even loss of teeth. This will help make your mouth healthier as well as the rest of your body (18). I found my tongue feels nice and fresh now that I clean my tongue every day when I wake up. For best results: scrape your tongue, floss your teeth and then brush your teeth - in that order. This is best done first thing in the morning and ideally twice a day. It is a great tool to help you to improve your dental game.

    5. Improved Overall Health

    The tongue is the gatekeeper for your mouth and it's health affects the rest of your body too. This includes your heart, lungs, blood sugar, bones, brain, and even your pregnancy if you have one (18). One reason for this is having fewer bacterial microbes in your mouth, which has been shown to have a lower risk of heart disease (19). If all that wasn't enough scraping your tongue will stimulate your digestive system and the rest of your body. This helps your body get ready to digest your food in the morning. According to Acupuncture and Ayurvedic medicine, your tongue, like your foot, is connected to your whole body (20).

    Ayurvedic texts state the tongue accumulates a white coating of toxins from the digestive system (21). If not removed these toxins are reabsorbed by the body and cause digestive, respiratory and Immune system illnesses (22). This is why it's important to scrape your tongue first thing in the morning. In my personal experience, this is true. When I first started cleaning my tongue daily my morning stomach aches went away. If you have any related health problems cleaning your tongue is definitely worth a try.

    Why I Love Tongue Cleaning! 

    My favorite part about cleaning my tongue is it only takes about 20 seconds a day. It is a simple task, easier than brushing your teeth and more enjoyable - even fun and satisfying. With all the improved health benefits you notice from doing it every day it also makes it easy to apply to your normal morning routine. My tongue, mouth, and stomach have never felt so good after I started doing it daily. This is one of my favorite new healthy practices and I'm happy to share it with you. Once I started I could not stop cleaning my tongue.

    I liked them so much I decided to to to start selling my own brand FDA certified copper tongue cleaners. I test them out personally to assure their high quality and effectiveness. You can find them on the links below.

    The Art of Tongue Cleaning 

    The art of tongue cleaning originated from one of the world's most sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems. Ayurveda is a holistic approach to healing that is over 3000 year's old. Tongue cleaning is now being validated by science as the best-known way to rid your tongue of its white coating of bacteria, mucus, toxins and dead cells. They release volatile sulfur compounds that cause 95% of halitosis (Bad Breath). The tongue accumulates a white coating of toxins from the digestive system, these toxins feed bad bacteria and fungus that causes bad breath, lack of taste, gum disease, plaque, and cavities. If not removed these toxins are reabsorbed by the body and cause digestive, respiratory and Immune system illnesses. 

    How to Clean your Tongue:  

    1. Simply rinse the tongue cleaner curved end with hot water. If you do not have any water available then wipe it off with a cloth or tissue paper.

    2. First, get a tongue cleaner ideally with a handle so you can easily hold it. Best done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before brushing your teeth. Use a mirror so you can easily see your tongue.

    3. Gently open your mouth and stick out your relaxed, flattened tongue. Hold the handles with both hands, then smoothly enter the tongue cleaners curved end into your mouth and all the way to the back of your tongue. If you gag, you've gone too far, you can also try exhaling to prevent this.

    3. Connect to the back of the tongue and gently stroke the tongue from back to front with one long stroke scraping the whole surface of the tongue. You will have some gunk on the end of the tongue cleaner. Rinse the tongue cleaner again with hot water.

    5. Repeat the process around 5 - 15 times, until the tongue cleaner looks clean after scraping.

    Check out the video below to see how it done. :)

    Information above was sourced from the following blog

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    Tongue Cleaner - Tongue Scraper | Copper & Stainless Steel - AllOne Wellness

    Limpiador de lengua también conocido como raspador de lengua | Cobre y acero inoxidable

    $8.97 CAD
    Acero inoxidable